Online sex offending against children

This course expands on the unit covered in the introductory courses and examines the various forms this offence takes, including the possession and distribution of child pornography, the production of child pornography, sexual solicitations, and conspiracy crimes. The topics covered will investigate the motivations of offenders, contact offending histories and the impact the crime has on the victim.

Target audience

This course is relevant to parents, children, teachers, cellular companies, Internet organisations, government organisations, criminal justice stakeholders and social services.

Course content

This course includes the following topics:

  • The digital revolution and children
  • Dynamics of online activity
  • Safety risks
  • Understanding adolescents and the influence of digital technology
  • The adolescent experience of technology
  • Child sexual development
  • The internet and adolescent sexuality
  • Sexting and the adolescent
  • Chatrooms and social networking sites
  • Online safety risks


This course is presented over a 3 day period, and participants receive a folder and a manual.

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